Marvel – Star Wars: Darth Vader – Dark Heart of the Sith (TPB)

Használt képregény

4.000 Ft

Csak 1 maradt készleten

Cikkszám: HKENG-10427 Kategória: Címkék: , , , , ,


Marvel Comics
Szín: színes
Formátum: puhatáblás
Oldalszám: 128


Collects Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #1-5. A new chapter in the Sith Lord?s saga begins here! ?Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son!? In the shattering climax of The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader revealed his true relationship to Luke Skywalker and invited his son to stand at his side. But a horrified Luke chose to plunge into the abyss beneath Cloud City rather than turn to the Dark Side. Now Vader embarks on a bloody mission of rage-filled revenge against everything and everyone who helped to hide and corrupt his only son. But Vader must overcome shocking new challenges from his own dark past, including a hauntingly familiar face that will challenge everything he knows!

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