Marvel – The Invincible Iron Man: the Search for Tony Stark (2018 1st, TPB)

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5.000 Ft

Csak 1 maradt készleten

Cikkszám: HKENG-10413 Kategória: Címkék: , , ,


Marvel Comics
Szín: színes
Formátum: puha borítós
Oldalszám: 208

Collects Invincible Iron Man (2016) #593-600. Tony Stark, the original Iron Man, has vanished. And as the mystery of his whereabouts deepens, some surprising people from Stark’s present, past and future come together to help track him down. The time has come to decide – once and for all – who will wear the armor of Iron Man! All the contenders are in position, and now the contest begins – for there can only be one Golden Avenger! But will it be Riri Williams, Tony Stark…or Victor Von Doom?! And what happens when Riri and Victor realize that the only way to solve the mystery of Tony’s fate is to join forces? Brian Michael Bendis brings his epic armored adventure to an end with the most startling Iron Man story of all!

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