Marvel – Savage Wolverine vol.4.: The Best There is (2014 1st, HC)

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3.500 Ft

Csak 1 maradt készleten

Cikkszám: HKENG-10421 Kategória: Címkék: , , , ,


Marvel Comics
Szín: színes
Formátum: keménytáblás
Oldalszám: 136


Untold tales from Wolverine’s century-long life! In 1963, Wolverine must defend a group of innocent workers from evil. Meanwhile, in Dallas, an event will change the world. Then, meet the sole survivor of the 1929 Valentine’s Day Massacre: Wolverine! It’s gangsters, bullets, babes, villains, heroes and murder in a showdown in Capone’s town! Next, in the midst of World War I, Logan leads a daring mission, finds himself at the business end of twenty German soldiers’ guns and discovers that he isn’t the only mutant at war! Then, Wolverine takes on the Wild West!
COLLECTING: Savage Wolverine 18-23

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